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Is Living for God Boring??? Or Awesome???

I remember when I was college, someone came up to me and gave me a word from the Lord. I went back to my dorm and said a prayer and thought maybe I would start getting involved in a bible study on campus and focus on church more. But the more I was around my boyfriend and friends, the more I saw how incompatible that would be with my lifestyle. Because not only was any suggestion of it, decisively confirmed by my  friends that I wasn't get their encouragement , nor would they accompany me. But even to me, the thought of a sober "Bible study" life seemed so boring and dull, and in the midst of such wild and crazy fun we were having--what teenager would want to do that? 
I didn't consider myself rejecting God, because I still claimed to be a Christian, it was more just like... "deferred".  I knew in my heart that the Bible was God's book and I certainly had plans to read it, so I tentatively planned to do that down the road when I had grey hair. My image of Christianity did include some good times at church camps in my even younger days, but ofcourse even there  it was more so the social aspect, which paled to my current social life.  And I did recall having some heart touching moments at church where faith arose and I definitely believed in Jesus' and was encouraged to live uprightly, but majority wise, my church experiences were quite boring.  So, as for my bleak idea  of possibly attending a campus Bible study, well I wasn't movtivated to put much effort into finding one, especially if it meant having to adjust my social life. Consequently, that thought soon dissipated.  Frankly --it just wasn't going to be fun!

But by the Grace and Power of God, within two years, I found out the Truth.
And the Truth  is that there is No One More adventurous than God who rides on the clouds by His awesome name YaH. God is amazing and He has made a way for us to be empowered with His amazing, adventurous, extremely glorious, creative and beautiful Holy Spirit.

Through faith in Christ, we receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit--as a matter of fact, we can be  baptized with the Holy Ghost and Fire!!
Notice He comes with Fire--that's how passionately extreme His desire burns with love for His people--yes, He ardently desires to dwell and fellowship with us.
Yes, He provides extreme living ----to the max because God's Spirit Himself actually comes to live in and through us. Abundant and exciting life truly begins with a dose of Holy Ghost! Mind altering drugs have nothing on God's power!!  There is No High like the MOST HIGH!!  He's power will surge  through your body and fill you to the brim, instead of surpressing hurtful emotions, it lifts them away. The Holy Spirit is being being poured out  from on High--if we open our hearts and minds to God He will fill us to overflow.And no, the intensity is not fleeting--it does not have to go away--as a matter of fact, the outpouring is getting greater and greater! God wants all of us to be people filled with His Holy Spirit. In the Book of Joel it says that In the last days I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh (Joel 2:28)  The Holy Spirit is so Real and He is so Powerful. The Holy Spirit is not just to be acknowledged as an  intregal of the Trinity that makes our doctrinal creeds replete, but the Holy Spirit is  to be received and yielded to wholeheartedly. The Holy Spirit is diety who comes to reside in believers to remind us of what Jesus' said, lead us into all Truth and show us that which is to come. The Holy Spirit always glorifies the Son and as we surrender to the promptings, unctions, and guidings of the Holy Spirit, we will respond with emotions that reflect God's heart and  bring pleasure to Him.  We will delight in what He delights in,so His  pleasure become our pleasure when we are one with Him. As you give your all for God, He won't ever cease to amaze you with mighty superventions, opportune answers, and unique manifestations.  

This doesn't mean that you will always be high on happiness, but it does mean that you will be enveloped with  His love that's always sweeter than wine and stonger than death. And when you align your heart with God's heart you will tap into astronomically high emotions as you flow in the characteristics of His passion.
We are not talking about a remote, austere Diety aloof from His creation, but  He is the Bridegroom Lover, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the Lamb with
Seven eyes and seven horns. You might be overflowing with joy one season and then soon find yourself steaming with righteous indignation, or gasping in heart wrenching intercession. But whatever manifestation, you encounter--it doesn't just disappear leaving you with emptiness or a ponderous hangover.
The encounter will have  produced an abiding work that trenched out a greater capacity in your heart for God's love--allowing you to have even more abundant, fulfilled life. With God you will see things you never thought you would see, learn things you couldn't have imagined, and impact lives you never thought you would --with God your daily life becomes a mission laced with divine appointments and miracles. The Most High God is truly AWESOME- -He who stretched out and adorned the heavens, does all things elaborately!  How boring life is without HIM.


Preparation Tips for Morning and/or Evening Prayer

Preparation Tips for Morning or Evening Prayer!(From the rising of the sun
to the going down of the same,
the name of the Lord shall be praised. Psalm 113:3)

There is not one special ritual or formula for break through prayer and if none of these things are feasible, then certainly don’t allow anything to stop you from praying. But hopefully, these tips will help you have easier access on a daily basis.
We so often find ourselves bogged down from morning sleepiness or our busy day that we don’t have an ounce of energy (or desire because they seem to become sapped synonymously ) to pray until we are delivered from sluggishness and/or worldly oppression.

It’s a good idea to change clothes—though certain garments are not a necessity like they were for the priests of the Old Testament---they still drape us, thus pertinent to our immediate atmosphere (and very symbolic too).
For example, if it’s morning and you keep yawning in your sleep-filled pajamas or if it’s evening and you have 50 peoples cologne and 5 peoples cigarette smoke lingering as a oppressive stench in your shirt (even if you can’t smell it anymore doesn’t mean it’s not there); an easy fix in both cases is to rid the plagued garment and clothe yourselves in a crisp clean garment—what a relief!!
(More intensive cleaning and perhaps awakening for some can be accomplished through a shower or bath—but if you’re one who will get stuck soaking right through your prayer time then just splash some water on your face and/or just stick to a clean heart).
The next step in your transition from the Bed/Babylon to the heavenly Throne is drinking a picker upper; if need be. I’ll spare you the legend of God creating coffee by sending rain to the prophet’s coffee beans, and I’m not trying to get you to be an addict or stay up all night—but needless to say, coffee has been known to to assist in shaking some somnolent and carnal spirits off. If you’re too healthy for coffee, hot tea or another refreshing drink may suffice. Thirdly, lighting candles can add that special element of Fire to the room. No, you don’t have to be Catholic to light candles; after all He is the God of the Burning Bush. Furthermore, music has an amazing impact as it ushers your mind and soul into the Presence of God; fulfilling your created purpose to worship Him. This is of course, assuming it’s anointed worship music (make sure you have some on supply beforehand, so you don’t resort to commercial ridden radio or oppressive tunes) You are almost ready, to enter in….but first…….turn your cell phone off. Yes, there actually is an off button on it. A beautiful way that we can convey love to others is through…Undivided Attention. Jesus asked His disciples aghast, “Could you not tarry One hour? God Himself is worthy of our Undivided Attention!! We should worship, pray, and meditate on Him without interruption. That’s probably why Jesus called it a prayer closet (Matt 6:6). Enclosure allows us to escape the influx of distractions so that we can focus on the God of Glory!! Worship, Pray, and Enjoy His Presence---allow Him to be the Lover of Your Soul as You breakthrough to His heart!



Jacob was known as the supplanter. In accordance to is mother's instructions, he
deceived his father by pretending to be his brother,  so that he could receive the pronounced blessing that customarily was decreed over the eldest son (Gen. 27:19). Years later, the commanded blessing he earnestly desired  didn't come as easily.  Instead of surreptiously obtaining it, he had to contend and strive for it.His tenacity and desire for God's best was evident with his refusal to let go of a visiting angel until he received a pronounced blessing. Consequently, God's blessing was released upon him,that gave him a new identity as his name was changed from Jacob to Israel "a prince that has power with God and men, and prevails."
Israel was God's overcomer and from the Book of Psalms (135:4) we see that he was also chosen by the LORDto be his peculiar treasure. What a priviledge to the peculiar treasure of  the magnificent Almighty God who has filled the earth with myraids of precious natural treasures. Such substances hid in the Earth bespeak of  enormous resourceful value and scintillating beauty. And Scriptures reveals, that God's treasuries are not only limited to the Earth, but He has storehouses of heavenly treasuries filled with His elements. In the same Psalm (135), it reveals that God brings forth his winds out of His heavenly
treasuries. How amazing that yet,  even with God's vast wealth and supplies in the heavens and the Earth , Israel still was chosen as God's peculiar treasure; the apple of God's eye. Ofcourse, mankind, is in image of God and thus is of more value to God Himself than earthly materials, but to be God's own chosen treasure shining peculiarly in His sight is uniquely phenonemonal. 

 God chose Israel to prevail and  he proved himself to contend for the blessing.
This principle of tenacity and persistence certainly applies in acquiring hidden treasures in the earth, and through Israel's name we can see that it applies in heaven too.
In order for  the vast supply of earthly resources  to be obtained they have to be dug or drilled; sometimes  even requiring a reach of multiple miles into the deep places of the earth.
Mankind has learned that diamonds and other precious jewels are discovered  through persistently digging deep, refusing to give up until the secret is revealed and obtained.
Like Israel, we receive the blessing when we strive and contend for it.  The more we spiritually dig, pressing into the heart of God, through prayer,intercession, and worship;  the more
we will tap into his heavenly storehouses discovering those spiritual precious jewels.  As we discover them in the Spirit, we tap into  their excellencies, refract their glory, and operate in their resources. The elements released, generate, empower and fuel our lives endowing us with prosperity in every arena. As we tap into these deep heavenly riches of God's Spirit, we behold the beauty of God Himself. Through the New and Everlasting covenant of the Messiah, we are called as  Israel, to be a peculiar people, a chosen generation; God's special treasure; prevailing with God and men.

Christian Devotional Suffering for Christ
The Recompense of A GREAT REWARD That's Worth Dying For
by Ansley Mathis  can be ordered at


Prayer for the Harvest


I pray that You will send out more laborors into the harvest field today. I thank You Father, that your power  is prevailing across the nations today and that You are snatching many out of darkness and transferring them into Your glorious, marvelous light. Father, I pray that You will  raise up the Tabernacle of David, so that the Earth will be Filled with the Knowledge of YHWH as vast as the waters cover the seas.  Thank You for releasing Your sanctifying power that is transforming Your Bride into the image of Your dear Son. Father, I ask for the blessings of the precious things that come forth from the moon today. I pray a hedge of protection upon our lives. I pray that You will bring forth those commanded blessings, so that we can be a blessing to the ends of the Earth. You are Mighty to Save. There is None Like!! I worship You and praise You today. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Daily Christian Devotional Suffering for Christ is Pain with a Purpose by Ansley Mathis
Order The Recompense of a Great Reward


Time to Feel His Compassion so Others Can Feel HIs Love

I believed in the Holy Spirit in my younger days , but never knew about the manifestation or baptism of it.When I became born again in my college days, I was amazed at the ability to feel the power of the Holy Spirit. Instantly, I wanted to share this power with others in hopes that they would experience it too. Evangelism immediately became part of my life; but it wasn't so much organized evangelism, because at the time I didn't even know that theological term; rather it was simply just telling others about Jesus. And whether they had previously heard the Gospel or not, I was excited to pray with them. After the "amen" and as soon as I could lift up my bowed head up and open my eyes, the first words that blurted out of my mouth was "Did you feel it?" I didn't understand all the theological doctrines or terms of infilling or baptism of the Holy Ghost, but I naively , yet zealously wanted people to know that God's power is real.The answers varied from some definite affirmations to other blank stares. I soon realized that while, some were more receptive to God than others; not everyone was receiving the same encounter that I hoped. But I was on the right track, because evangelism was and is Christ's clear directive to God's endtime plan of reaching the world. But what I would soon discover is that it's intense intercessory prayer and soul travail that fuels God's plan of redemption; birthing His power in the Earth; so that multitudes can receive Him and know His Power.
Meanwhile, there was a weird dichotomy within my understanding. On one hand, I was dumbfounded at the number of Christians that did love God passionately--especially when I visited a Spirit filled Christian college and from the moment I stepped in to the sanctuary, I felt like I had been transported to heaven. God's Presence was such a tangible cloud. The new experience of His corporate anointing for me was the paradox of utopia coupled with a painful remorse for my former obviousiness, as I rhetorically wondered how could I have not known about God's nearness beforehand, like all the students there that apparently did.
But on the other hand, even when I was not in such a corporate sanctuary setting, the outpouring of God's anointing was still so present that it was hard to conceive the thought that everyone around me wasn't experiencing such power. It was hard to understand why they wouldn't be; even though it was obviously confirmed through fiercely hurled persecution at times. It wasn't a matter of pride--I certainly was aware of the fact that I was not transformed to perfection. But God's presence was so overwhelming that it only seemed logical to me that others were receiving some measure of the outpouring, and if not, then it was easily accessible by yielding to it. So, one night I was talking on the phone to an estranged boyfriend and I just couldn't resist the curiousity. I had to ask, "Do you feel it?" It was a serious question at the time, because I was really convinced that either he did or could. But his nonplussed response certainly revealed that not everyone feels it, nor is wiling to yield their hearts.. And the reality of that fact, tore my heart more as other loved ones couldn't relate to my new passion. I was cognizant of the fact that I was no longer considered normal. I won't diminsh the pain of that realization, nor can I wholey describe it with words, but just that it so apparently revealed the blantant rejection of Christ in daily conversations and proprieties. Above all, it enlightened me to deeper understand the necessity of Jesus death, burial and resurrection. Not just for society at large, but for me personally. It opened my eyes to see that I had so conveniently followed the crowd in rejecting total surrender to Christ, due to pride and selfishness.Those pangs let me see how spiritual darkness subtly hardens individuals, to accept a compromised life that despises God through pride, selfishness and comfort. This revelation hit home so hard , that it ripped my heart in repentance. Without a shadow of a doubt, I knew it was me Jesus died for; because it was my sins that nailed Him to the cross, all the while it was others that He paid the price for too. He took upon Himself our punishment that wasso deserving, so that we can have the opportunity to be forgiven and reconciled to God. What amazing love God has for us. That while we loved darkness more than light, He still sent HIs Son to pay the price so that we can receive eternal life.
Many more sobering truths came; in more heartbreaking ways than one, confirming that we are still in a fallen world and that God's redemption in my life was and is just a part of His great worldwide plan; which didn't happen to consumate at the moment of my new birth. But I came to the revelation that if the pain of that realty is responded to from God's persepective then He will use our response to bring resolve. And because He is the only resolve, we are called to stand in the gap for individuals and nations; beckoning God's mighty intervention.In other words,'s where prayers, tears, travail and worship come in. When we humble ourselves to tap into God's heartbeat; He will use us to manifest His Kingdom in the Earth. The more salvation is sent forth through fervent intercession, the more His kingdom manifests, bringing redemption and deliverance.
As the years went by, through revelation, encounters, salvations and testimonies an even greater realty of God's glorious kingdom became apparent to me, but it didn't completely drowned out the  hissing of the creeping serpent; especially not when the hissing magnified vehemently at times. It was heard on more levels than one, but I am referring to the large scale of society and how local news could sting with shocking reminders of how prevalent evil is in the hearts of the depraved. Regardless of how many wonderful Christians I knew, the weekly schedule of prayer, Bible Study and fellowship was obviously not the weekly routine of all families, nor did all uphold priorities that sought the best for others. Of course, this was clear through almost any type of media.
But an even greater awakening came through my awareness of riveting atrocities of murder, violence and abuse. It's not that I hadn't ever heard about committed atrocities,or atrocious news before, it's just that I didn't have Christ's heart of response to deeply care for the victims or the revelation to see the spiritual battle at hand. But the deplorable facts revealed that where unregenerate men exist, so do victims. And when Christ's love opened the eyes of my heart to see and to care , I saw both the abuser and victim's need for deliverance; and through the power of the Holy Spirit, I could feel the dire pain of the need , as if it were my own. It erupted in wails of Christ's compassion; breaking my heart and compelling me to cry out to God for deliverance and redemption. I felt the agony in the heart of abused children, because spiritual darkness raged against fraility. A deep grieving for Christ's intervention, overtook me for the lives almost snuffed out by anger's vengeneance on the weak. And the more I knelt at Jesus feet to hear His heartbeat for the nations, I heard the blaring truth that confirmed; no, not everyone feels God's power. Some only feel hatred,anger, hurt, rejection and sorrow. Others only feel unbearable pangs of hunger because spiritual darkness has reaped physical curses of poverty, famine, disease and death. They don't have to bear this burden alone. Christ interceded for our salvation and as we surrender to His heart for the hurting; He imparts a longing within us to intercede for others.
Though both, the joyful and agonizing answer to my initial question, has resounded louder and louder in my life, as I have seen the kingdom of God advancing and simultaneously became more cognizant of the staggering number of lost and suffering souls.The truth of the latter hurts more now than it did then--because I know that the pain in the Earth is not limited to the isolated incidents heard on the local news, but rather such atrocities are rampant worldwide. It's not just a fallen suburb, but a fallen world we live in-- millions of girls and women are sold are into sexual slavery annually, hundreds of millions of people across the globeare starving daily, genocide in Africa is slaughtering masses of innocent lives , and abortion and child abuse are in staggering numbers---and beyond all the volume of these cries, are the eternal cries of torment in damnation yet to be heard by so many more, unless their souls are plucked; like firebrands, out of the fire. The need for redemption is greater than ever before. How can we, as the Body of Christ, stay silent when there's still a world out there that needs God's transforming power that changes lives?
As we take our eyes off ourselves and prayerfully consider others whose lives are ravished by darkness, God will use us mightily and through the power of the Holy Spirit, the love of Christ will manifest with great empathy and compassion, stirring us to weep and cry out. And as we cry out and travail for others, God will send salvation. He will intervene, manifest and save multitudes.Our heart-filled prayers and soul travail will move the hand of God in the Earth; fueling God's redemption plan. Many will respond with a resounding YES as they feel His touch, come to understand His love and power, and advance His Kingdom; now and eternally.