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Let's stop focusing so much on our Gourds!

Jonah was suicidely irate because his beloved gourd withered away. Not only was the gourd his shelter, but was also a burgeoning amenity that he bonded with intimately.  For such a perfect companion, teeming with life, to wilt away eternally; stirred fury and despair within the heart of Jonah.  Such emotional attachment, reminds me of my love for my inferior friends : namely, a mere Beta Fish and more recently my beloved cat, who for both at different  times, I desperately prayed for their revivals. And this is not to say that my gourds may even be lower concerns at times..such as inanimate object (materially possessions, etc)

God reproved Jonah for his pity on the perished plant because it exceeded his care and concern for the souls of Ninevah which were subject to perish
eternally. For just previously,Jonah had expressed anger and disgust at  God's mercy for Ninevah which resulted in their survival (salvation).

 I haven't received an audible admonition for my love for my personal gourds, and ofcourse God Cares about All life and I am aware that even my materials possession are God's provision (just like Jonah's gourd). But if I'm so wrapped up in my selfishness, that I care more about the survival of that I call "mine" including "my" material possessions; than the very souls that Christ died for, then I do believe God will enlighten me to a greater Truth.  And He has and is through inner heart revelations. Through prayer, He opens the eyes of my heart's understanding as He presses on me His passion and births a vehement desire to pray for those in danger.  One preponderant inference He used to enlighten me was the  NATO helicopter that recently crashed during a battle with the Taliban in Afghanistan that killed 30 U.S. Soldiers and took 8 other lives. Through prayer, God imparted His heart of compassion, and I was able to symphathize with the pain and suffering of those who recently lost their loved ones. Through the heart of Jesus, immense emphathy was felt for the  pain of the spouses, children, parents, and friends who would never again see their loved one this side of eternity.  How could I be so heavyhearted over my own losses or fear of loss of personal things; even lesser things without going to  great lengths to do my part in interceding to help the very lives Christ died for? And then the passion of Christ became violent, as He revealed His Love for souls, and the eternal rhetorical questions arose in my heart  , "Where will they spend eternity?" "Could they be alive today and for decades to come, if  myself (or another Christian) would have covered them in prayer?"  This was not a message of condemnation, but a revelation of  God's love for men.  Neither was it a contradiction of God's sovereign control over life and death, but rather in relation to the privilege and responsibility He has given His Church (The Body of Christ)  to manifest and navigate His power in the Earth. God moves through prayer, the prayers of His people.

Like Jonah, we shouldn't be so attached to our own personal gourds (which  make our lives so comfortable and convenient), so that we fail to see and extend God's love for others. God, in Christ, calls us to intercede for the lives and souls that are in danger and may slip off into eternity; eternally  lost, unless we pray.
If we press deeper into the heart of God, we  will become just as impassioned to spare others the mourning of loss, as we are for ourselves. God demonstrated His compassion for us, by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and He was touched with the feeling of our infirmities. Now, as the Body of Christ, we are called to be Touched--to feel the pain---or emphasize with the feelings of others, so that we can intercede for their needs.  Christ's demonstrated the ultimate sacrifice in His death for us.  Brave soldiers also sacrifice their personal conveniences to fight for our protection and freedom.Can we not periodically sacrifice our time and leisure to beseech God's protection and salvation for them? Of course our  troops often stand in harm's way, so they are in desperate need of prayer, but myriads more than our troops worldwide are included in  the ranks of those slipping into eternity.  If we humble ourselves to allow Him, God will use us instrumentally in saving many of them and so many others that are in dire straights, in desperate need of salvation.

Will we let our heart break and beat with God's heartbeat for those dying? Such as the genocide killing thousands in Sudan?  And the frail children that are starving in Africa, facing imminent death unless there is an intervention. Or the masses of young girls that have been sold or abducted and are now sex slaves in brothels on the precipice of catching HIV and other fatal diseases. Do we not know the difference we can really make if we cry out to God.  It was good for Ninevah that they did ( for their own sakes). And since Christ was not about Himself, neither should we focus exclusively around our own personal gourds, but we are called to  follow the example of Christ, in laying down our lives so that other's can live.


My New Kitty came out from under the bed.

My new kitty has been more than skittish. But at times, when I've coaxed her to come out from the under the bed, I've grabbed her and carried her downstairs. She's not too fond of the ride, but once she arrives--wow--she realizes there is so much more to life here at her new home.
We shouldn't let fear hinder us from coming out of our hiding places too.  
If we let Him, God will carry us to a better places; delivering us from our comfort zones that are so limited to one perspective. It's always easier  to resist Change --because it's not the expected lifestyles we're use to and we may feel out of control or vulnerable to the unexpected.
But that which we perceive as frightening, may be our transition to freedom and liberty.
That's the testimony of many who have come out of traditional boundaries, to engage in a more passionate relationship with Christ.  They felt out of their element at first, and temptation to run back under the bed of security was there--but as they resisted their tendencies, and were open-hearted to the new diminsions of God--they realized that it's the  traditions of men make 'the Word of God of no effect", and result in a life of powerlessness and unfruitfulness. 
As we let go of our fears and embrace God's love, we will revel in the abundant life that Christ came to give us.  Upon His death, Jesus Christ descended to the caverns of hell and took back the keys of death and hell---He spoiled principalities and powers, making an open show of them publically, triumphing over them in it. Then He ascended on high leading captivity captive and giving gifts to children of men.  The victory was won! He won the victory to set us free from every chain and fetter and to empower us to walk in Victory and Liberty.
Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty.
Christ Anoints or Gives Power to those who live for Him.
The Bible encourages us to live for the Lord with All of our hearts, minds and souls. There is nothing better than walking in the manifest presence of God.
 He desires us to know Him as our Father, our Bridgegroom ( the Lover of our Souls).  Like the Apostle Paul admitted, so it stands true for each of us-- that we have not arrived yet. There is a greater place that God wants to take each of us. He's calling each of us to a Higher place--a place that you have never been before. It's time to let him carry You--just go ahead and come out from underneath your bed and let Him embrace you-- fall and lose control so that You will soar in His Presence--He's calling you up higher!
The intimate place of Love is waiting for You--a Love that's stronger than death, and sweeter than wine. Let His Love Wrap and Envelope You--Let Him carry You--He will if you will just come out from under the bed. Come!! Come to the Lord!!